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Hi. Readers, thank you so much for reading the first 3 articles I published. If you’re reading this now meaning you like the first 3 articles, hope so. What is love (Mahal) by the way? Mahal it is Pilipino term for love, did you know that even the bible has its own meaning of love; 1 Corinthian 13:4-8 “Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails”. There are a lot of definitions of what love is and best example are “Love is blind” and “Love is like a Rosary that full of Mystery”. You normally see this if you’re 90’s child and you have slum book or your friends requires you to write on it. Anyway it’s a girl thing.

There are different kinds of love based on my own understanding, idea, experience and observation. Here are the expounded types and thoughts, but I’m not a love expert and believe me no one is, except GOD (#1) Love of God who guide and show us what is Unconditional and True love; John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. I, as a father, I cannot give my only son for the sake of everyone but GOD did without hesitation, what kind of love he has? Truly kind isn’t it? I know that we have different beliefs especially in terms or religions. But please allow me to highlight some of the Catholic practices because I am a proud catholic. According to one of the Priest I know, signing of cross means love of god and love to others. The Vertical which we normally says in "the name of the father and of the son" is Love of God while Horizontal is love to others. Again I am not a bible scholar but based on my own understanding that God itself is Love. Guys I am not trying to convert you or to argue with you just want to share idea. So I will just end there, moving forward.Mr. Chinkee Tan aka Mr. Chink Positive a writer and public speaker says money is not evil but “The Love of Money is the root of all evil”, yes love is not just for human you can even love anything like love your Job but (#2) Material Love is a big no because love must have feelings or emotion and material has no emotions nor feelings. In order for love to be successful it must have two ways. When you give love you must receive but don’t ask for it, never! Let your love, love you back without obliging him/her. Giving love can make you satisfied and creates happiness. Proper allocation according to my friend Angel “Marvin Oliver Tabuada Jimenez” he incorporates Economics and love “The higher the income, the higher the savings” you cannot consume more than your income and you must have savings for yourself, same with love because “You cannot give what you don’t have” from Queen of All Media Ms. Kris Aquino to one of her webisode at youtube channel The Aquinos and Justine Bieber says (#3) Love Yourself. These sounds like selfishness, yes, agreed to that because in order for you to (#4) Love others you must learn how to love yourself and everything follows. Whitney Houston emphasize to one of her songs “the greatest love of all is easy to achieve learning to love your self is the the greatest love of all” Loving yourself means having right time to enjoy and work that’s the balance but according to my friend Mark Kelvin Pascual his own definition of love yourself is loving others, that means loving yourself is almost similar to loving others depending on the people’s perspective, love has special formula like mathematical equation or scientific table of elements that needs to have respondent. I always say to a friend or friends who ask advices when they’re broke “congratulations because once you get hurt not physically not intentionally means you truly love the person and no one will questioned you about that” because the formula of love is like chemical element of water ( H2O) Hydrogen + Oxygen, it’s like Love= Happiness+Pain. Meaning you cannot say that you’ve been in love if you don’t get hurt, even if we promise to your love ones that “I won’t hurt you”. Even how hard you try not to get hurt or to hurt someone you love most, believe me, in some point of life, we unintentionally may get hurt them. Because there is no perfect love except for the love of GOD. Love is like a normal scenario in stocks that you have to study each in every move or changes but no matter how hard you study, there are times that you will fail. “Love is the most precious gift of all” Kevin Kwan during Kris Aquino interview in Cebu at youtube channel The Aquinos, again I agree because of love I was able to marry my wife. Because of love I was able to sacrifice my goals and that is why I am still in college, I am financially unstable so I have no capacity to give material things that others can, so the only gift I can give to my family is love. Because of love, I prayed to God to please get my father because I cannot look at him, I saw him suffered because he was really sick. Every night for two years (2) before he died, that’s what I was praying because I hate when I’m selfish. I don’t want to ask GOD to extend my father’s life because we need him. I know to myself that he showed the best example of a father. GOD knows how much I wanted to be with him but no! we have to let him go, not because I hate him but because I love him. Love teaches us many things, to sacrifice, to respect, to think, to pray, to believe, to become selfless, to try, acceptance and to be strong. If you love someone surely you will not break a promise “Breaking a promise could be cheating” Kris Aquino at youtube channel The Aquinos. This is the reason why I always wanted to make sure of everything before I say yes. As much as possible I don’t want to break a promise. When I asked my Ex-girlfriend if she wants to marry me I thought about it several times. I would like to take this opportunity to message my ex-girlfriend, my classmate and my friend. I’m not sure if you’re able to read this but I would like to thank you for everything, for the sacrifices for accepting me, thank you for taking care of my son. And I’m sorry if I hurt you, not physically but emotionally. All I want for you is to be strong; it is my reverse psychology of showing how much I love you. You are a good mother, a good wife to your husband and I know it because I can see that. I love you so much since then; you know what I’m afraid of? To leave this world without saying this words. Promise me that you will take care of our son no matter what. I wasn’t able you marry you to the church we wanted, but all I can promise is to love you next to GOD ‘till my last breath. If a fairy will give me a power, I would choose a power to travel back in time and marry you like the way we wanted to. Because loving you is a gift from GOD. Perhaps we’re not meant to be because we are destined and forever is worth the wait.

Just a recap the perfect kind of love is #1 Love of God, #2 Material Love is forbidden love, you must #3 Love yourself because you cannot give what you don’t have, #4 Love Other because no man is an Island. My name is Meljohn Camacho Gaspi and I am Mr. Channel of Goodwill.

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